Michigan Expands Heating Bill Aid for Low-Income Households

Bills to expand state aid for heating in Michigan near completion. Income limits raised, aiding over 330,000 homes.
Michigan Expands Heating Bill Aid for Low-Income Households

State Aid Expansion for Heating Bills Nears Approval in Lansing

In an effort to extend crucial support to low-income families, a set of legislative measures designed to enhance state aid for heating bills is close to passing in Lansing. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has already signed several components of the package, including a significant change to the income eligibility threshold. This adjustment increases the qualifying limit for a household of four from $46,800 to $61,861, aligning it with approximately 60% of Michigan’s median income.

Lauren Marks, associated with United Way for Southeastern Michigan, highlighted the potential impact of this expansion. As one of the agencies responsible for distributing Michigan Energy Assistance Program funds, Marks noted that “more than 330,000 more households statewide could get help with heating bills.”

Marks emphasized the acute need for utility assistance in Michigan, stating, “Utility assistance remains in the top three needs across the entire state for people calling and asking for assistance.” In the five counties served by her organization—Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, and Lapeer—they receive over 660 calls daily regarding heating bill assistance.

Before the full expansion can be realized, a tie-barred bill authorizing the additional funding must still be passed by the Senate and sent to the Governor. Marks expressed confidence in the bill’s passage, citing its bipartisan support and the likelihood of swift legislative action in the final days of the session.

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